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An Inspired Student

When we are children at a young age we get asked "what do you wanna be when you grow up?" Normally at the ripe age of 5 we would all say stuff like astronaut, doctor, or dancer. Me? No, you see when I graduated high school my classmates and I received these homemade books and in these books contained all the questions we got asked in kindergarten. My graduating class' kindergarten teacher just so happen to have kept these books for all those years and wanted to give them back to us to see where we wanted to go than and where we are going now. For me flipping through that book brought tears to my eyes. Many of my friends answers from then to now had drastically changed but mine stayed the exact same. "I wanna be a Teacher". 


As my life went on I found many people and experiences that drove my persistence to become an educator so much stronger. If I am being honest, there were times in school where I struggled. Times when I did not understand the material we were required to learn. With that I had some incredible teachers that helped me anyway they could so I could succeed and then there where others that were the villain in my childhood fairytale. Wether the good teachers or bad ones, I had many personal experiences that fuelled my fire to become and educator.


As I am currently studying to receive my degree, it will be a few years yet til I get to venture out and use my education to the fullest of my abilities. Previously through my last high school year I worked as a volunteer teaching assistant for some of the elementary classrooms as a way to gain experience and credits. I absolutely loved it! Getting the chance to grasp the idea of teaching young kids pushed me to know this is truly what I want to do with my life after university. In my time at University currently I have had the great pleasure of participating in educational observations to study how a true teacher has succeeded so well. 


I created this short montage of some of my photography work. I am hoping on starting a side business in the future that includes photography. 


Here are a few sketches I have created over the years. I typically love drawing Disney characters or flowers but I have dabbled in portraits too. 

Some of my greatest passions in life include sketching, and photography.  

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