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Observation Insider 

This page is dedicated to showing all of you what I experience through my EDU course and observational practicum. 

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My first Observation

Here is a picture what it looked like on the first day of my practicum. I was welcomed very kindly by the teachers and students. I believe it took a little while for the students to adjust to having another adult standing in their presence but eventually they blossomed socially. Due to Covid-19 all safety processions were taken and that is why there are no desk groups. its what the teachers found the hardest about this pandemic, not getting give their students the chance to grow socially in the classroom as much. 


The Blanket Activity

As part of our EDU 100 education we get the privilege of participating in a blanket activity. This activity tells us the more in depth story about what the Indigenous people went through in Canadian History. This activity really opened my eyes more than before on the trauma they had to endure. As a teacher I will make it a priority of mine to ensure I am teaching my students about this history and bringing in any possible connection in to truly explain to us their culture, they're history, their trauma. 

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Micro-Teaching Assignment

When It came time to participate in this micro-teaching activity, It made me nervous at the beginning. Even with a few minor set backs, I presented my lesson on photography. The feedback I received from my peers and professor afterwords helped me gain understanding in what teaching is going to be like and how to handle well under the pressure.


Final Observation Day

On my final day of my practicum for this year of my studies, I found it so hard to say goodbye to the students that I built a connection with over that time period. I went into my practicum the first day with no expectations of building a connection with the students but they truly showed me kindness and compassion. They showed me why I chose this profession. 

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