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Creating an Infographic on a Digital Citizenship Topic

Here are some examples of these posters..

**Image credit to companies that created the amazing posters, I found them on google**

Definition: A digital citizenship infographic is like a poster breaking down how to be a good citizen online.

How can you be a good Digital Citizen? Well realistically that answer is only one google search away. If you were to have asked me personally before I learned more about this lab than I would have probably just vaguely describes the value of being cautious on the internet and the priority of being good person and not hiding behind a phone or computer screen as a shield in ways to hate on others. After doing the research and becoming informed on tis topic, I have found that my answer wasn't as far fetched as I thought. my answer is very much accurate; there's just more to it than the basics. Having good citizenship requires more than just the obvious rules of the internet and social media. Communicate respectfully, Give proper credit when using others work, stand up to cyberbullying, Think before you post something (Just like the phrase goes to "Think before you speak") it goes the same way when posting online, follow whatever rules your elementary, middle, highs cool, or University guidelines there might be, and finally use these digital tools you learn about as you go to assist and talk to people. The purpose is not for you to talk behind someones back. At the top of this post I have included the document of my digital Citizenship poster created with the website:

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