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My View into Grade 3 Social Studies

Above these words lay two diagrams of the country of Peru created by two grade 3 students.

In the classroom that I observed in, I watched personally as the teacher found very fun, inventive ways for her students to grasp the understanding and be interested in learning about the different sections of Peru.

The inventive part I found about this assignment was that the local Co-op had donated a large amount of their colourful play clay they give away so that the teacher could use it for this projected.

Each student was given 4 random packs of play clay and once it was situated that they all had four different colours, they got work to fill in the sections of Peru they learned about previously.

Peru is made of 4 significant areas to define the country: The Pacific Ocean that borders part of the country, The desert area where you would find the city of Lima, Peru. next comes the Mountain range area where the famous tourist site of Machu Picchu can be found. Lastly the fourth section is the rainforest section, this area makes up the larger portion of the country and where many see the Amazon rainforest/River. I found when assisting the students with placing their clay, that they would talk about how fun this was and when I would ask them where each section was located, they would be able to tell me easily.

This activity is a successfully teacher win in my view!

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