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Powering through Online Learning

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Now, everyone has an opinion on wether they prefer the in-person learning approach or the recently adapted online approach. This post, like all is open for discussions in the comments. I have disgusted this topic with many people and have created the perfect represent of this topic. Below is a section of the Pro's and Con's of studying online compared to studying in person:

Online Learning Pros

- People with high social anxiety struggles are most commonly not required to turn on the camera or unmute the mic. The chat makes contributing easy without too much strain.

- High Flexibility: Having online classes makes it much simpler for young students and adults with families continuing their education to work around the class being online.

- Much cheaper: The requirement to drive to campus to be in person or live in dorms isn't there because you have the chance to do the classes from the comfort of yours (or your parents) home!

- Although cyber-bullying is still greatly a problem, the risk of interactive violent bullying has been decreased greatly.

Online Learning Cons

In Person Learning Pros

In Person Learning Cons

*Image credits to the created companies, I found them online on google*

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