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Designing Learning Activities using Web 2.0 Tools: Webquest/Wiki

"The purpose of this lab is to provide you with an opportunity to develop your electronic research skills and to build a webquest within a wikispace."

That is a sample from my instructions pdf for this assignment. we did this lab in partners to get more of a in person experience considering our classes are all online based. My partner and I created a second website here on Wix based off of my last lesson plan development pdf. A link to my partner and I's website will be linked below here. The website is a formality for us being seen as our future teacher selves trying to teach some grade 5 students about the water cycle. I enjoyed learning furthermore about research on one specific topic than taking that research and combining with the already learned experience of building a website and making it into something extraordinary!

Here is the link to that website if you want to check it out:

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