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My first practicum Experience.

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Today, February 7th, 2022 I endured my first hours of my Educational classroom observation. For my EDU class, I must complete a minimum of 30hours within a real classroom environment to gain more perspective on how successful or non-successful teaching is done. I chose to return to my k-12 roots and go back to my old school. With the Covid-19 pandemic still in full effect, I haven't been back to visit my old school in nearly the 2 years since I graduated. The first few steps into the building felt like deja vu.

The overall visual of the school inside and out had not changed to much. This is due to the fact of that school having completed a 9.3 million dollar full modernization from 2015-2017. (Reliable information found on )

Being back at this school and in a real classroom made me see how much I can not wait to hopefully in the future be sitting in my own classroom, at my own desk with my name on it.

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