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The Use of PLN's

What is a PLN and how is it important to today's teaching? Upon doing quite a bit of reasercg I've come to understand that a PLN is a abbreviation for 'Personalized Learning Network'. the purpose of this is to create a strong environment for me as a teacher so that I may communicate, collaborate, and create with fellow colleagues anywhere, at anytime. Technology and social media has always been a very powerful notion since its creation. If I use the power it has to involve in teaching then not only will it enhance my teaching environment but it will as well peak the interest of the very technology frown studentsI will have in the future. Over the semester I will continue to add to research through twitter, other teachers and authors PLN's and gains idea into my teaching. using the personalized learning network I have created with further my understanding of including new ideas involving technology into my lesson plans. I personally love the ideas of using PLN's to give me insight. On twitter I have followed name such as Shelly Sanchez, Tom Whitby, Steve Anderson and many more that will help me along the way to learn more about education and educational technology. Some of the most popular hashtags on twitter involving teacher technology understanding include: #edchat, #education and #Irnchat. I followed the creators of those hashtags on twitter as well as the account that holds nightly talks about education and learning more about technology called Irnchat. When I did research on a few of those hashtags they included quite a bit of tweets involving so much useful inform for my studies. To start off my twitter account to go along with my PLN, I have tweeted my understanding of what a PLN is and its purpose. I have also retweeted a few tweets from some of the hostages I included above. Throughout the semester I will continue to do this and grow my PLN so that I can have so much information towards this part of my education.

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